Thursday, November 24, 2016

Suggestopedia Approach adalah


A.    Background of Suggestopedia
Suggestopedia also named superlearning, It is considered to be the strangest of the humanistic approach and it was developed in the 1970s by Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian Educator. Lozanov assumes that the only major linguistic problems in the language classroom are memorization of the word and pattern of the language and their integration into the students’ personalities. Suggestopedia was designed primarily to make these two processes more effective. Lozanov says that the learners need a relaxed but focused state as the optimum state for learning. Suggestopedia makes used of soothing rhythmic music, a comfortable and relaxing environment, and relationship between the teacher and the student similar to the parent-child relationship. The students’ feeling has an important place. They need to feel confident and relaxed and their psychological barriers are “desuggested”. Music is vital for the approach. There is a positive effect when classical music is used during effort to memorize, even without suggestion. Before the concert session the student is told by an authoritative figure that after the session the material will be memorized. The students notice that their memorization has improved, so they accept the statement of authority.
The suggestopedic session which is based on the memorizing of a text is accomplished though ritualistic concert session: an active session and a passive session. The teacher’s attitude and behavior in the classroom is one of the key elements which ensure the success of suggestopedic session. He or she has to establish good human relations in the class so that students would help and praise one another. “The teacher in a suggestopedic course not only radiates effective suggestive stimuli, but also coordinates environmental suggestive stimuli in a positive way for students to learn. One of Suggestopedia’s unique goals is release learners’ mind from existing framework of the social suggestive norms.
B.     Characteristic
1.      Suggestopedic course is conducted in a classroom in which students as comfortable as possible.
2.      Students select target language names and choose new occupation.
3.      The text students work from are handout containing lengthy dialogs in target language. Next to the dialog is a translation in the students’ native language. There are also some notes on the vocabulary and grammar in the dialog.
4.      The teacher presents the dialog during two concerts.
5.      Vocabulary and speaking communicatively are emphasized.
6.      Native language is used the meaning of the dialog clear. The teacher also uses the mother tongue in class when necessary.
7.      Evaluation usually is conducted on students’ normal in class performance and not through formal tests.
C.     Activities
1.      Presentation
2.      Concert: First concert and second concert
3.      Listening
4.      Imitation
5.      Question and answer
6.      Role playing
7.      Translating
D.    Strength and Weaknesses
The strength of suggestopedia:
a.       The students will not feel bored because it is different with usual class.
b.      It is faster or easy to get the students understand because they have been adult learners.
c.       The students not only get the material but also suggestions from the teacher.
d.      This method suggests using full mental powers.
e.       The teacher can use native language if the students didn’t understand.
The weaknesses of suggestopedia
a.       It can be the students don’t have concentration because of the music.
b.      There are too many techniques that must be tough in two hours.
c.       Although it is for beginners, but it cannot be implemented with children.
d.      Homework that is suggested in this method possible to unsuccessful.
e.       The formal evaluation is not explained clearly.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Vocabulary Bahasa Inggris tentang Ungkapan Larangan

       Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa Internasional yang telah dipelajari di hampir belahan dunia. Bahkan saat ini bahasa Inggris telah menjadi bahasa pertama di 70 negara di dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri, bahasa inggris telah menjadi pelajaran wajib yang diajarkan di berbagai tingkat satuan pendidikan mulai dari SD hingga Perguruan Tinggi. Belajar bahasa Inggris memang tidak mudah, terkadang ada beberapa kata atau ungkapan yang membuat kita kebingungan bagaimana cara mengucapkan nya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Misalnya adalah ungkapan larangan “ seperti jangan putus asa, jangan mondar-mandir dsb”. Nah berikut ini ada beberapa kosa kata tentang Larangan yang biasa digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kosa kata tersebut saya dapatkan saat saya belajar Bahasa Inggris dari berbagai sumber baik buku maupun internet. Semoga bermanfaat yaaaa... 

Jangan bengong                        : Don’t give a blank look
Jangan berbelit-belit                  : Don’t beat about the bush
Jangan berkecil hati                   : Don’t let that get you down
Jangan bilang begitu                  : Don’t say so
Jangan bimbang                        : Don’t be doubt
Jangan bohong padaku             : Don’t lie to me
Jangan boros                            : Don’t be wasteful
Jangan cari gara-gara                : Don’t burn your fingers
Jangan diungkit-ungkit lagi      : Don’t rub in it
Jangan ganggu                          : Don’t bother
Jangan lewatkan                       : Don’t miss it
Jangan melongo                        : Don’t hang your lips
Jangan melototiku                     : Don’t stare at me
Jangan menggodaku                  : Don’t temp me
Jangan meremehkan aku           : Don’t look me down
Jangan meremehkan                  : Don’t under estimate
Jangan mondar-mandir              : Don’t be up and down
Jangan pilih kasih                      : Don’t be partial          
Jangan putus asa                       : Don’t be hopeless
Jangan ramai                             : Don’t be noisy
Jangan rebutan                           : Don’t snatch away
Jangan terlalu memaksakan diri: Don’t be too hard on yourself
Jangan terlalu tegang                 : Don’t be strained
Jangan tersinggung                    : No hard feeling

       Itulah beberapa ungkapan larangan dalam bahasa Inggris. Meski hanya beberapa semoga catatan di atas dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris seperti saya.. yuk terus semangat belajar.. mungkin ada tambahan boleh ditambahkan ke kolom komentar yaa.. terima kasih J